Follow along if you like while I ramble through some ideas bouncing around in my head.
I am contemplating doing a different surface design technique a week. Kind of patterned after Jeanne Williamson's quilt a week idea. Some of the techniques I would explore would include:
Resists, both dye and paint.
Soy wax screen printing resist.
Potato dextrin.
Wax paper.
Gel medium.
Gel glue.
Whole cloth dye painted and textile painted quilts.
Use of unusual items both as tools and elements in a quilt. These could include soft metals, screening, foil, plastic netting, plastic fencing, rusted items, paper, fibers, roving, fusible web, plastic bags, feathers, tyvek, heat sensitive fabrics.
I believe a week will be sufficient time to explore most of these ideas. If I find a particular technique that I love the week may not cover it. My main interest is to document through words and pictures my failures and successes.