Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Spinning my wheels

At least it feels that way this week. I did manage to get 150+ items listed in the store. Unfortunately there are 150+ items waiting to be listed! I haven't been able to stay at the computer for any length of time at all this week, and it looks like I will be out of the house at least tomorrow. I promised my mom I would shampoo her carpets and wash her windows for Mothers Day (I know, not too "pretty" of a gift but it's what she wanted). Anyhow, she wants it done tomorrow. I'm keeping my fingers crossed nothing comes up for Friday so I can spend the day getting something done.

Here are a few of the items I need to get listed. I kitted (is that a word?) up a bunch of these purse patterns for the quilt show. I have about 50% of them left, so thought I would give them a shot online. I have another class planned later in the summer, so will need some for that.

I really need to wrap up all the loose ends so I can focus on the 2 day workshop coming up in May. I am giving a surface design workshop for the guild. At the time I agreed to do it I really didn't have any plans for the Spring/Summer. Since then I have made plans to be out of town for a week in May and another in June. Needless to say I will be moving full tilt for the next couple of months. It's a good thing I work well under pressure.