Monday, January 18, 2010


Just a few things going on around here. I did manage to get Judy's order finished and shipped. The photo with all the strips of fabric are my recipes for her order.

The ones with the pressed & unpressed fabric are the sample swatches as well as a few colors that weren't quite right.

The blue and brown string quilt was a gift for our oldest son and his new wife. I actually managed to complete the top, dye the backing and get it to the quilter in time to give it to them for Christmas. The block you see here is the one we will keep. It will also be king sized when I manage to complete it. I made a small error when piecing. I pieced all 90 something blocks going the same direction. Problem is if you want diamonds half of them need to be mirror image, hence 2 quilts!

The pile of pink, green and white will be another string quilt. This one will go to my MIL. She brought to my attention that I had never made her a bed quilt. One quilt coming up.

Pineapple baby quilt was a surprise to me. Hubby came home last week with the news one of his friends was a new grandpa. They know I do fabric and quilt, so a gift from the store won't do.

And last, but certainly not least there is Blue Boy. He is my work in progress. Too smart for his own good most days, but with that face who could stay mad? He is filling out to a beautiful boy.

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