Friday, November 20, 2009

Preparing for the Holidays

I overslept this am, so have been rushing around trying to get stuff done before I leave for work. I managed to assemble 13 Christmas cards (need edges finished), sew 12 blocks for the kids quilt and rinse out 12 yards of fabric.

I have an order for 88 yards custom fabric. I had this novel idea that maybe I should run test swatches (is a yard a swatch?) this time. I will be using Egyptian instead of the regular 200 TC which costs more. The Egyptian is on order and I want to have all my recipes ready when it arrives. I want to have this in the mail to Judy before we leave town.

I fudged on the cards this year. We will be gone Dec 10 - Dec 20 so I just won't have the time to design and make them from my fabrics. Oh well, they are still handmade and come from the heart. I still have several rows of the king sized quilt to finish for the kids. Not sure if I will have time to actually quilt it thought. They may receive only the top.

Here are the basic materials for the cards. Only 20 more to go!

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