Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Challenging myself

This seems to be the only way to make myself sit down and do this. Here are some examples of what I'm working on today.

This is a piece that has been dyed using a potato dextrin resist. I just love the texture and weathered effect. I am currently trying to finish 3 more pieces using this technique, but seem to be having temperature issues. I believe it may be too cold in my garage for the dyes to fully develop. The pieces are rinsing out very faded. I may have to give in and batch these in the spare bathroom. Won't hubby love that!

This is a rusted piece. Again I love the organic "feel" to this technique. This technique can be over-dyed, or you can start with a piece already dyed.

I have 5 yards in a Santa Fe blue dye waiting to be rinsed/washed so they can be over dyed using a Rust red. This is a combination I call Southwest. Yummy colors.

Back to the "life getting in the way", the stucco guys are here, the phone is ringing, the cat wants in/out, and I need to go pick up a special order at the fabric store. Silly me agreed to make drapes for a friends living room. She is a very good friend, but seems to be afflicted with the same thought process of those who don't sew. They are under the impression that if you own a sewing machine, you must enjoy doing these types of things. Not true, but I do love my friends/family, so will occasionally cave to the pressure!

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