I have finally finished editing all my listings on eBay. I started with 300+, ended with 268 I think. Every one of the listing had to be updated for shipping, price, return
So to celebrate my loving husband decided it was time to begin the holiday tradition of setting up the tree. This is a huge event in our house. It entails many hours of hard physical labor, quite a bit of mumbling bad things under your breath and dodging varies animals underfoot.
Here is my husband trying (unsuccessfully) to convince blue his services are not needed. We did manage to get the tree into the house and assembled. Loving husbands part is finished for now while I "fluff" branches. His services will be required to help hang the lights. The tree is 15 feet tall, so I am not able to climb the ladder holding 100's of feet of lights, and hang said lights without some help.

Here is another member of the crew. Boo sticks to supervising, unlike Blue who feels the need to be hands (paws) on.

definitely supervisor material.

Doesn't he look proud of himself? I am not looking forward to bringing in the ornament boxes. Blue is only 8 months old, and everything on the floor is a toy. Things could get very interesting around here.

These are a few of the Christmas cards I have managed to complete while I edited listings. I don't know about the rest of you, but I must do something creative most days or go crazy. Spending hours on the computer editing HTML about cooked my brain.

Here is the tree in all it's unfinished glory. I'll keep the camera handing to update our progress.