Monday, May 12, 2008

These are a few samples of some of the techniques I do. I can do most any value you need. Just let me know what colors you would like to work with.

The low water immersion pieces can be done in many different color combinations.

Low Water Immersion # 4089 (36x44) $14.00

Low Water Immersion #4096. (36x44) $14.00

Low Water Immersion $4079. (33x44) $12.00

The rust pieces show some of the patterns available. An all over bark-like pattern, a light patterning and novelty patterns (horseshoes, grill marks etc).

Over rusted hand dye #2039. (72x44) $30.00

Rust Dye #2035. (34x44) $14.00

Rust Dye #2032. (35x44) $14.00

The hand dyes can run from almost black on the dark end to a wash of color on the light end for any color.

Hand Dye #201. (66x44) $20.00

Hand Dye #254. (34x44) $12.00

Hand Dye #255. (35x44) $12.00

Hand Dye #272. (73x44) $20.00